And the winner is...

Félicitations à Talya 64 qui a gagné le joli lot en cuir de chez Happy Home ! Merci de m'envoyer un mail avec tes coordonnées (annasofi...

Félicitations à Talya 64 qui a gagné le joli lot en cuir de chez Happy Home! Merci de m'envoyer un mail avec tes coordonnées ( Sur les 93 participants au concours, le n° 50 a été tiré au sort par mon fils :) à l'aide de, et le 50ème commentaire avait donc été laissé par Talya 64.

Congratulations to Talya 64 who won the lovely set of leather articles from Happy Home! Please mail your address to me ( Out of the 93 participants in the giveaway, nr 50 was randomly drawn by my son :) with the help of, and the 50th comment was left by Talya 64.

Merci à tous d'avoir participé!

Thank you for your participation!

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3 commentaires

  1. Congratulations Talya 64.
    I'm a little sad because i did not win this give away.

  2. I'm disappointed that I did not win this giveaway. idle breakout

  3. Wow, congrats Talya 64! What a lucky draw! I was really hoping to win that Happy Home leather set. Makes me think I should level up my Luck stat in Bitlife ! Maybe then I'd have a shot at winning something! Anna Sofia, thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway! Definitely following for future contests.


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