
Bloggers tour Spain: visiting Expormim's rattan factory

I love seeing a piece of furniture come alive, whether it's in an industrialized factory (which I saw a lot of while working for IKEA) o...

I love seeing a piece of furniture come alive, whether it's in an industrialized factory (which I saw a lot of while working for IKEA) or traditional handicraft. That's why I was thrilled when we had the opportunity to visit Expormim's factory and showroom on our Sunny Design tour in Spain this summer. Located in Moixent, an hour's drive from Valencia, Expormim has been making in- and outdoor rattan furniture for the last 55 years, always with the same high level of comfort, sturdiness and durability.

J'adore voir un meuble prendre vie, que ca soit dans une usine industrialisée (dont j'en ai visité un grand nombre lorsque je travaillais pour IKEA) ou de l'artisanat traditionnel. C'est pourquoi j'étais ravie quand on a eu l'occasion de visiter l'usine et le showroom d'Expormim pendant notre Sunny Design tour en Espagne cet été. Situé à Moixent, à une heure de route de Valencia, Expormin fabrique du mobilier en rotin pour l'intérieur et l'extérieur depuis 55 ans, toujours avec le même niveau élévé de confort, solidité et durabilité.

Loving the organic shapes of the Tina & Pepe wicker collection designed by Benedetta Tagliabue - EMBT.

J'aime beaucoup les formes organiques de la collection en osier Tina & Pepe, design par Benedetta Tabliabue - EMBT.

A tribute to early (to the right) and recent (to the left) collections.

Un hommage aux collections anciennes (à gauche) et récentes (à droite).

Nautica hanging seat by Mut design received the Red Dot in 2014. To the right, Frames armchair designed by Jaime Hayon.

Le siège suspendu Nautice a reçu le Red Dot award en 2014. A droite, le siège Frames créé par Jaime Hayon.

I was fascinated by the these women and men's craftsmanship.

J'étais fascinée par le savoir-faire de ces femmes et hommes.

Did I mention that Expormim's showroom is located in the most stunning 18th century building?

Je vous ai dit que le showroom d'Expormim est situé dans un bâtiment magnifique du 18ème siècle?

 Photo Anna Gustafsson / La Maison d'Anna G. except the last one by Susanna Vento.

The Sunny Design Days tour was arranged for Design Bloggers United by RED - Reunión de Empresas de Diseño / Spanish Design Association - a nonprofit organisation that promotes Spanish design worldwide.

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4 commentaires

  1. Definitely an amazing visit! I am still fascinated by the production and their products!

  2. Am I glad to see visiting your blog and your comments about the Spanish craftsmen, it has always been a great tradition of working with rattan and wicker and are pleased to be recognized for the work. Greetings from Spain

    1. I was so happy to discover all that during our visit there, it sure is a great tradition to perpetuate!


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