
Rock'n'roll chic

Comme vous avez pu le voir, je suis en train de faire quelques petits changements ici... une nouvelle bannière (qui risque fort de changer e...

Comme vous avez pu le voir, je suis en train de faire quelques petits changements ici... une nouvelle bannière (qui risque fort de changer encore dans les jours à venir), et une nouvelle rubrique "MERCI" dans la colonne à droite! En revanche, je ne pense pas que c'est moi qui ai fichu en l'air le gadget suiveurs... un autre bug de Blogger?!

As might have noticed, I'm doing some small changes here... a new banner (which most probably will change again within the next few days), and a new header "THANKS" in the column to the right! However, I believe it isn't me who have messed up the followers gadget... another Blogger bug?!

La propriétaire de l'appartement ci-dessous, situé à Copenhague, a vraiment le sens de la mode, du design et de l'art. C'est chic, graphique et rock'n'roll, et j'adore!

The owner of the flat below, situated in Copenhagen, really has an eye for fashion, design and art. It's chic, graphic and rock'n'roll, and I love it!

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12 commentaires

  1. This is very cool - love the pic with all the shoes! :-)

  2. Beautiful bright pictures!
    I´m getting mad about Blogger now... cannot post correctly since 4 days and gadgets move and remove (sometimes come back as well :)) So, don´t worry, all is about Blogger-problems!
    Best regards, Marjolijn

  3. A few days ago I read a report to home trends. The most live "normal", and only a few change their style...

    Your pictures show a super style ... it's real shame that to much people stick their life without own imagination on things ... ;)

    Thank you so much for sharing this great inspirations!!!

    Enjoy this weekend

  4. I just miss some carpets here... but it looks fab... yes!!!

  5. extra j'adore et en particulier la chambre à coucher....
    on va guetter les changements alors ces prochains jours...
    passe un bon we a+

  6. ohhh, this is my ultimate dream apartment!
    these pictures are really amazing!
    thanks for sharing ♥
    have a lovely weekend!

  7. I love the house.. with the open spaces.. whith walls and the little paintings there are are really cool ;) (I do miss a bit family pictures)

  8. Ohh I forgot to say I was just looking at your stockholm guide ;) Love it especially the first shop has a really cool combination of furniture and design. I made one for Amsterdam.. (have to add two more parts but still it is nearly finished) there is a link somewhere on my blog
    bonne weekend!

  9. pas mal celle la aussi...qt a l'appart on adore bien sur..l'escalier et les shoes...superbe
    moi aussi j'ai des problèmes avec blogger..les gens n'arrivent pas a laisser de messages!!!

  10. Åh så vill jag bo! snyggt på alla vis!
    Trevlig helg kära du : )

  11. Beautiful simplicity, I like that very much.

    Of course you can borrow my pictures:)

    Have a nice day Anna! / Daniella


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