Friday 19 April 2013

Lotta Agaton styling class!

Je vous avais dit il y a quelque temps qu'un autre challenge excitant m'attendait ce mois-ci... et bien, ca commence ce weekend! Je vais suivre un stage de stylisme avec Lotta Agaton à Beckmans Akademi à Stockholm! Pendant deux weekends, Lotta va partager son savoir-faire avec nous, et je sais déjà que ca va être génial :)

I told you some time ago that another exciting and challenging thing was waiting for me this month... well, it's starting this weekend! I will be attending Lotta Agaton's styling class at Beckmans Akademi in Stockholm! During two weekends Lotta will share her knowledge with us, and I already know that it will be brilliant :)

Je suis sûre que vous avez déjà vu les superbes photos de l'appartement de Lotta - elles avaient circulé partout il y a deux mois - mais vous n'avez peut-être pas celle-ci de sa grande bibliothèque inspirante... j'adore.
Bon weekend!

I'm sure you've already seen the amazing photos from her flat - they could be seen everywhere a couple of months ago - but you might not have seen this one of her large and inspiring bookcase... love it.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Talking about organized...impressive! xx

  2. Å vad roligt det låter! Älskar bilden!

  3. Très curieuse de découvrir le résultat. Profites-en bien !

  4. That's amazing, you are very lucky, enjoy!


  5. Kul! Det verkar vara hur bra som helst de där kurserna!

  6. Jag älskar den där hyllan! Lycka till på kursen, det blir säkert jättekul. Kram Elina

  7. How does one make these shelves?

    1. very simple, I think there are groups of magazins or books that actually hold it: I can see two piles of magazines on the floor holding the first level, another two holding the second level, two books piles holding the next two levels, and I do not see any pile holding the top level (it may be the only achored to the wall, or just the holdin is not in the picture). :-) it looks beautiful
