Tuesday 29 March 2011

Une vieille valise

Ca n'a rien de nouveau, mais en ce moment je vois des vieilles valises partout. En guise de table basse ou de chevet, comme rangement dans la chambre d'enfants ou tout simplement empilées comme une belle collection à exhiber!

There is nothing new about it, but these days I keep seeing old suitcases everywhere. As coffee or bedside table, as storage in the kids' room or simply piled up as a nice collection to display!


  1. it is interesting that this keeps coming back in popularity from time to time--i wonder if it sits in the corner and lets us dream of places we want to go in a decorative way or opens up the conversation to places we've been......

  2. belle collection avec beaucoup de style!!!! ça me donne envie de la faire et de m'envoler loin!!!! ;o)))

  3. i love this interior
    it's like a dreamer home


  4. Love love love vintage suitcases! I actually used mine over the weekend. Not the most practical without wheels and they get heavy real quick. But now they're back as my side tables. Hope you had a lovely weekend, Anna!

  5. I adore old suitcases and hope I´ll find one for myself. :-)

  6. est-ce que nos valises à roulettes d'aujourd'hui auront ce charme un jour ?

  7. Tiens, rigolote la valise-étagère, je retiens l'idée...

  8. @Suzanne: I like both possibilities!
    @Cez: moi aussi!!
    @Fedulab: yes, it really makes you dream of other places.. :)
    @Old Brand New: your vintage suitcase table is fab!! But for travelling, I will continue to use my suitcase with wheels... comfort wins over style - for once! ;)
    @Tina: shouldn't be too difficult these days...
    @Martine: je le doute fort..!!
    @Isabella: oui je trouve aussi!
