Friday 18 February 2011

Contrastes graphiques

Dans cette villa en briques jaunes des années 60 habitent Anna et Melker et leurs trois enfants. J'aime beaucoup le mix de design classique des années 50 avec des meubles plus modernes, des posters graphiques et des photos d'art.

In this yellow brick house from the 60's live Anna and Melker and their three kids. I really like how the classic design from the 50's mix with more modern furniture, graphic posters and art photos. 


  1. a surfboard is always my fav deco element :-) hugs from a surf addict :-)

  2. mon veux vivre là!!! qd tu vois Kiss et John au mur, tu te dis que ce sont surement des gens supers qui vivent là!!!!! J'adore, j'adore et j'adore!!!!
    la première photo es et bon we!!!

  3. love the green dressing table.. such a serene space. And the touches of black, wood & green... my kinda colours. Lou x

  4. Very cool and simple! Loved the foot print!

    Thanks so much for showing,

    have a great weekend,

    xoxo, Ingrid :)

  5. Thanks for commenting! I love it when everyone finds their own fave amongst the pics shown.. :)

  6. Beautiful!!!! Do you know who´s designed the lamp on the first picture?

  7. @minevennershjem: the lamp is called Model 265 Adjustable Wall Lamp, designed by Paolo Rizzatto and distributed by Flos!
