Monday 6 December 2010

La maison de Dalstigen

En lisant ce blog inspirant, je tombe sur cette charmante maison qui se trouve dans la banlieu de Stockholm. Il s'avère que la maison appartient à cette bloggeuse, et que la maison en question est à vendre ici. Je la prends svp! Meublée bien sur.

While reading this inspiring blog, I find this charming home situated in a Stockholm suburb. It turns out that the home belongs to this blogging girl  and that the house is for sale here. I'll take it please! Furnished of course.

Photos Dalstigen


  1. I have this place lined up in a post for this week already! We keep finding the same things...same taste! I love this home.

  2. Yeah I know, same taste..! No wonder I always enjoy reading your blog!!

  3. the Dali poster looks so cool, great idea!
